Once the weather broke, the plumber had to redo everything he had done before the rain started and then they layed down the insulation, radiant heat tubing, and rebar. All of our drains had to be placed in the exact locations as well. These pictures show the foundation all ready for concrete:
They poured the garage first. Then, they completed 3 additional pours for the main house that was to be textured. To get the texture on the concrete, they wrinkled up a sheet of plastic on top of the drying and leveled out concrete. This will give it a texture kind of like slate tile. You can kind of see it in the picture below.They cut the concrete into 3'x3' squares once it was dry and put two coats of sealant on top. Once the house is framed and sheathed, they will stain the floors. We'll be going for a charcoal color with rust-colored accent streaks (kinda hard to explain, but I've seen it before and think it looks really cool!)
The septic tank is in, the cattle guard is in, the road is getting completed, and the electrical line has been brought in and hooked up. We are getting close to having our well drilled and our contractor, Layne, started framing, so things are literally looking up! Here are Maya and I by the hole that was dug for the septic tank: