I did get the yo-yos all done...1672 to be exact. I actually finished them right after Thanksgiving thanks to a really long car ride to and from Iowa and a husband that loves to drive (he he!) However, they are still packed in a box from the move. I finished the quilts that they are going to be sewn on to, but they are also still packed in a box. Soon, very soon, I will get them out...hopefully.
I have been working on a patchwork Christmas collection for the past month or so. The advent calendar is done, the stockings are waiting for embroidery to be added, and the tree skirt is getting hand quilted when I'm motivated to work on it. Hopefully, I will post pictures of these as completed items soon.
Our great friends, Chris & Tracy, had a baby girl recently and I was inspired to make a quilt from Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear fabric. My girls have always loved that book, so I came up with this pattern and it turned out pretty good! I was torn about which color to do the inner border (so many choices), but when I held the gold fabric next to the brown bear square borders, it was an obvious choice. Chris is a fellow UW track/cross country teammate. :) Go Pokes!
I do have big plans to start making dresses and other clothes for my two daughters and as gifts for people. I bought a pattern book and started small. Before we moved, I made 5 pairs of these little mary jane booties. I wish I would have taken a picture of all of them. These are the only pair I have not given as a gift yet. The other color combinations were way cuter! :) They also need a good ironing before I give them to someone!