A couple of weekends ago I tried my hand at canning. I canned 4 quarts and 6 pints of applesauce. It was actually pretty easy! I have another peck of organic, Colorado apples ready to make into applesauce this weekend as well! One of my goals when we move to Wyoming is to grow more of our produce to chow down on in the summer months and can for the colder months. Both Joe's Mom and Grandma have beautiful gardens, so I hope to learn a lot from them. Our current house plan has a greenhouse attached to the back of our garage (facing south), so those little plants can get a head start in Northern Wyoming's short growing season. Wish me luck!

Another project I have been working on is a little more intense! I have been making yo-yos for a few months now that I plan to attach together into two matching twin-size yo-yo quilts for the girls' beds. They will continue to share a room in our new house and I've already promised Gabi a big girl bed (twin-size) when we move in. Maya will probably be ready to move out of the crib by then as well. The good news is that I have about 950 done...the bad news is that I have about 650 left! :-) I can make about 15 in an hour. I'm hoping to finish making them before we move and then attaching them together before the girls turn 18! Ha! Wish me luck on this one too!
Take Care, Tara